Cougar Spotlight
Cougars in the news
2025 EVHS' ESUHSD Cesar Chavez Contest Winners
Sarina Lu
1st place
I integrated the meaning of the quote into my piece is by drawing the protest that people joined in to help the Mexican community, including the rising sun in the background to emphasize the symbol of hope, and including the flag of the United Farm Workers. This enhances the message of my artwork because it allows others to realize that by protesting and doing activist movements has a large impact on what they’re speaking out about. By speaking out on what is right, it allows a better future and beginning.
Other than that, the United Farm Worker’s flag with the black Aztec eagle in my artwork represents the dignity that the farm workers he fought for have. Some creative choices I did to ensure that my artwork was unique and visually engaging was by drawing both Huerta and Chavez, a broken chain, and the Rising Sun in the background. By drawing Huerta and Chavez in graphite, it can allow others to see the people who spoke out against this marginalization to stand out more. The broken chain symbolizes freedom from captivity, which is a great example of the farm workers and the moment.
The colors used in the pathway of the “HUELGA!”, United Farm Workers flag, and the Rising sun emphasize the Rising Sun clearly and the colors chosen to represent the black Aztec eagle in the flag, same goesfor the word “HUELGA!”
Lily Truong
2nd Place
To honor the quote given to us as a prompt from the district, I made sure to add many primary implications of what the quote was saying: hope. In my artwork, I drew a huge cropped off portion of two hands holding each other, this empathizes the part of the quote which says “hope for a better tomorrow.” Additionally with the rising sun in the background with as many highlights as possible to show off the bright future. The main aspect of the quote itself is so to hope and work toward a better future, I intended to amplify that meaning with my art.
Most of my artwork is covered in graphite however there are specifically chosen objects that get colored in. The grapes are colored to show the main driving force behind the activism and protest, as it plays such a huge role in the entire narrative. I make sure that a lot of highlights can be seen on the two people to empathize with the hopeful message of the quote and story.
I wanted to contrast the bright highlight with the dark graphite of the hands in the foreground and the handful of grapes that are colored with deep dark purple. The techniques that I used in this project are graphite and color pencil. While I had prior experience with color pencil, and very little of graphite, I want to confidently say that I’ve come a long way. I came into art class knowing nothing about physical art mediums and now I could use them with ease. I’m glad to be able to learn and practice each and every medium.
Saanvi Hitlamani
Only We
Every day is Judgement day
Even if that’s not what the calendar proclaims, it does feel that way
The salvation of few and the damnation of many
We watch too few people pocketing too many pennies
And what we lack is what needs to be felt
Heard are to be huddled and hands are to be held
People have an extraordinary capability
That bursts only when there's a need to see
The beauty in Solidarity
When it's not You versus I, but only a We
All that is left is the ash of old animosity
The hopes of We, the People can be written and read
And encourage more chairs for more people to break bread
Encourage each other to find everyone a seat
Encourage to listen when there's a need to speak
Out and loud, against wrong, against night
So we all can experience the morning light
Yet for any of this to be, we have to let people see
That there's not You versus I, but only a We
When this is taught and its sung out loud
We can hoist our own dawn and lift it proud
Hold it high above our head
For this light, we marched and bled
EVHS Students Selected for Santa Clara County Honor Band
Three EV students have been accepted to Santa Clara Honor Band. This is a great honor for them and for us! They will get to perform under the direction of the University of the Pacific Director of Bands Dr. Vu Nguyen as part of the Santa Clara County Honor Band.
Congratulations to:
Yuhe Liu (9th- Clarinet)
Sean Koh (10th- Percussion)
Justin Pham (11th- Oboe)
Daven Woodham
Senior EVHS Girl's Basketball Senior
Chick-Fil-A Inspirational Athlete
EVHS ESUHSD MLK Art & Writing Contest Winners 2025
Vivien Tang
1st Place Art
Ojas Prabhune
2nd Place Art
Niyati Shenoy
3rd Place Art
Saanvi Hitlamani
1st Place Writing
Rachel Gee
Congratulations! to Rachel Gee for winning the 2024 CCS Singles Championship in girls tennis!
Manasvini Tammineedi
Manasvini Tammineedi received the Honor Award of the 2023-2024 National Community Service Awards for her work tutoring and volunteering.
Minh-Khang Le
Captured Moments
Mission Blue
Angelina Quin
Congratulations to two of our amazing artists who won this year’s San Jose Downtown Door contest.
Angelina Quin! - Downtown Doors 2024 Soccer Category
Minh-Khang Le! - Downtown Doors 2024
This is a huge honor for these students and our EV art department. Be sure to find their doors downtown!
Samya Arora
Samya was selected as a Writer of Distinction in the 9/10 category of the CA Association of Teachers of English Central Council Writing Contest.
Jian Kweon
Jian Kweon, EVHS 11th grader and math club member, qualified for USAMO (United States of America Mathematical Olympiad), a competition in which only the top 250 mathletes in the nation qualify for. He also won Honorable Mention for this competition.
Raghav Garimella
Raghav Garimella, a junior at Evergreen Valley High School, has been awarded 3rd Place in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Division at the 2024 Regeneron International Science & Engineering Fair out of over 1700 participants from 70 countries.
Manasvini Tammineedi and Ronak Suri
Manasvini Tammineedi and Ronak Suri, both juniors at Evergreen Valley High School, ranked at International Mock Trial, and were honored as Outstanding Attorney and Outstanding Witness, respectively. They ranked highly amongst 300+ other participants from around the world, qualifying them for the awards.
Joshika Balaji, Niveda Iyengar, Shubhi Katare, Rahul Thennarasu
Joshika Balaji, Niveda Iyengar, Shubhi Katare, Rahul Thennarasu (all from Grade 11 EVHS) participated with one other team member from Piedmont High and emerged as Outstanding Overall winners at the Cosmic Quest Tech Challenge. Their team "Atlas" did well in Engineering journal, Design, Device performance and aced the Interview and won this outstanding overall award.
Vaishali Jha
Vaishali Jha, class of 2024, has been recognized by the Iota Sigma Pi - National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry, receiving the Outstanding Young Women in Chemistry Award. Featured in the prestigious Iotan publication, this honor reflects her dedication to scientific advancements in the field of chemistry.
Vaishali's work in the Student Research Showcase has been acknowledged by Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society! She is thrilled to receive the Interdisciplinary Award, sponsored by Rudy Ruggles.
Ayush Sodani
Ayush Sodani, 11th grader at EVHS has won 4 awards at Synopsis Science fair this year. He is also invited to advance at state science fair,
California Science and Engineering Fair (CSEF). Below are the details of his awards:
1st pl award, Physical Science & Engineering Category
1st Place award, Valley Water Awards HS
Certificate of Achievement and letter, Yale
Science & Engineering Assoc.
Certificate of Achievement & opportunity to advance to state, national & international competitions
Stockholm Junior Water Prize
Invitation to advance to California Science & Engineering Fair (CSEF)
Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Tech EV Champs
Ashmita Appineni
USACO GOLD Division qualifier.
Research paper selected for oral presentation at the 4th InCITe
Gold Presidential Volunteer Service Award for teaching Java and C++
2nd place in the JSHS Engineering & Technology Category & 10th place in Oral Presentation for her research paper titled "Preemptive Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease through DaT Scans using InceptionV3-based Convolutional Neural Networks".
Raghav Garimella
Raghav Garimella, a junior at Evergreen Valley High School, qualified to be a finalist at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in Los Angeles from. He won the 1st place award in Biological Science and Engineering category in the Synopsys Science and Engineering Fair, advancing to the state qualifier California Science and Engineering Fair (CSEF).
Ryka Aprameyan
Cal-Hi Sports Northern CA Player of the Week!
PTSA President's Volunteer Service Award Winners
EVHS PTSA awards this honor to students who perform volunteer service hours for our Evergreen community.
Over 100 Students Registered
It was amazing to see students' creativity and the outcome that was produced in such a short time frame
GBB are league champs
They finished their regular season 10 : 0 and won the league!
Good Luck in the post season cougars!
ESUHSD MLK Art, Writing and Video Competition Results
Congratulations to all of our students who participated and the teachers who supported them. All site winners and grand prize winners will be honored on February 1, 2024 at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Art, Writing, and Video Awards Ceremony in our district office boardroom.
Academic Decathlon sweeps the region
OVERALL High Scores in all 10 tests:
Sneha Dev - GOLD (as a freshman! )
Roshan Venkatesh - SILVER
Sreekarthikeya Kankanala - BRONZE
Rick Yang - GOLD
Roshan Venkatesh - GOLD
Agrawal Pratinav - SILVER
Joshua Huang - SILVER
Aditya Pandey - Bronze
Sreekarthikeya Kankanala - GOLD
Varad Desai - SILVER
Ari Phan - BRONZE
Joshua Huang - GOLD
Ronak Suri - SILVER
Sreekarthikeya Kankanala - GOLD
Roshan Venkatesh - BRONZE
Social Science:
Sneha Dev - GOLD
Rick Yang - GOLD
Ari Phan - SILVER
Ronak Suri - BRONZE
Ronak Suri - SILVER
Sreekar Baddepudi - BRONZE
Joshua Huang - GOLD
Ronak Suri - SILVER
Rick Yang - GOLD
Ari Phan - SILVER
Ronak Suri - BRONZE
Ronak Suri - SILVER
Sreekar Baddepudi - BRONZE
Roshan Venkatesh - GOLD
Roshan Venkatesh - GOLD
Vishaka Ashok
Congratulations for winning first place in the To Be Honest Fall '23 Art Contest! Vishaka is an incredibly talented and tenacious student. We are beyond proud of all their hard work and dedication! They should be so proud of themselves and remember this moment always. Way to go Vishaka!!!!
Noah Holsberg
2023 Charlie Wedemeyer All-Star Selection
Has been selected to play in the Charlie Wedemeyer All-Star Football Game on February 3rd. Congratulations Noah!!
Eleanor Yan
& Sean Koh
Two EV students made the All State Ensembles this year! They made it in two of the most competitive sections and they are both in the Symphonic Band.
This means they are in the top 200 band musicians in the state of California! They will perform in January in Sacramento.
Eleanor Yang, Senior- Flute (2nd year All State)
Sean Koh, Freshman- Percussion (1st Year All State)
isha Bajpai
Isha Bajpai competed at the 2023 US Open for Table Tennis held in Ontario, California on Dec. 16-21st. She won a bronze medal in the Girls U17 Doubles event.
Nisa Keshwani
Nisa Keshwani has achieved a prestigious milestone in Curling by qualifying for the highly competitive Under 18 National Curling Championship, notably serving as the Skip (Team Captain). Team Keshwani will be representing the Mountain Pacific Region, spanning seven states, including California, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Nevada, and Utah. Nisa's USA National Team will be competing in Colorado this week!
Girls volleyball
JV Team:
2nd Team All Mt. Hamilton League- Janya Hampasagar
Varsity Team:
All League Honorable Mentions:
Jaslyn Wallace & Libero Tiffany Zhang
2nd Team Mt. Hamilton All League: Ally Lingaolingao
Mt. Hamilton 1st Team All League Honors: Mikayla Chan
Mt. Hamilton League Freshmen of the Year- Shivika Shekar
National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalists
Pranit Agrawal, Felicia Chiu, Simar Gupta, Christina Y. Huang, Ritvik Ivaturi, Aarush Joshi, Eshaan R. Kaipa, Abhishree Mishra, Ojasvi Mudda, Jamie Nguyen, Pranati Prashanth, Sanjith Raman, Anuj Sheth, Kshitij Teotia, Prajwal Vandana, Sumukh Venkatesh, Sohia Zhang
Cougars in the news 2022 2023
Tiffany Dang
Tiffany Dang is awarded the prestigious Fiat Lux scholarship from UC Berkeley
Ojasvi Mudda
Won a Gold Medal (Top 5%) in the British Biology Olympiad, Honorable Mention in USA Biology Olympiad (USABO) Semifinal. Is a USABO semifinalist with an Honorable Mention awarded for the top 125.
She also received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award (2022-2023) for her volunteering service from Chirag Evergreen Chapter, a nonprofit organization.
Ritali Jain
US Presidential Scholar Semifinalist for the US Presidential Scholars Program by the United States Department of Education. This honor is given to 628 U.S. students out of 5 million high school seniors.
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program, one of the country’s highest honors for graduating high school seniors recognizes students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, creative and performing arts, along with those excelling in the “career and technical education” fields, which focuses on industry-specific training for a student’s future job. Nearly 3.6 million high school seniors around the country applied for the award and only 16 Bay Area students are among just 628 throughout the nation to have made it to the semifinalist round.
Anti Venti
San Jose Tech Interactive held the final showcase of the "Survive the Storm" Tech Challenge event. Joshika Balaji (Grade 10) participated with one other team member(Piedmont High) and emerged as Outstanding Overall winners. Her team Anti Venti did well in Engineering journal, Design, Device performance and aced the interview and won outstanding overall award.
Sumukh Venkatesh
Sumukh finished second in the US Geography National Championship varsity division held in Arlington, VA. As a result, he qualified to represent the United States in the International Geo Olympiad(iGeo) to be held in Bandung, Indonesia, in August.
Raghav Garimella and Rajvir Singh from Evergreen Valley High School won 3rd place in Novice Division at the Lockheed Martin Code Quest 2023 Competition held in-person at the Sunnyvale location. Code Quest worldwide had 1600 students in 622 teams compete across 17 in-person locations and two virtual sites. This team ranked 14th worldwide.
Alex Li
Alex Li has been selected as one of the winners of the 2023 Intuit TurboTax Prosperity Hub School District Scholarship Contest! He not only completed the Intuit TurboTax Simulation to help him prepare for life beyond the classroom but wrote an essay about how his access to this education has made an impact on his future! Great work! #Intuit #TurboTax #EVERFI #EVERFIK12
Alyana Torres
Received a National Recognition Program award from the College Board. We are proud of her hard work and dedication.
Vaishali Jha
As the founder and president of Caregena, a 501c3 non-profit organization dedicated to supporting numerous foster centers, Vaishali Jha, has successfully raised over $8000 dollars of supplies. In recognition of her outstanding contributions, she has been honored with the Mayor's Commendation Award by Council member Domingo Candelas and the City Council of San Jose.
Jian Kweon
Jian Kweon, an EVHS Math Club student has won the USAMO HONORABLE MENTION award by scoring a score of 17. (minimum score for honorable mention is 14)
Congratulations Jian & thank you Ms. Bhatnagar for your support.
Boys volleyball made it to the CCS quarter finals - further than any other boys volleyball team at EV. The team had a record of 9:3 in A league and was led by senior Alex Khov and juniors Shobhit Venkataraman and Ritvik Ivaturi.
Speech and Debate Club 2022-2023
Parliamentary Debate Successes
Sophia Zhang and Sumanth Mahalingam - Champions of Evergreen Invitational, NPDL Tournament of Champions Octofinalists
Sumanth Mahalingam and Zane Felbinger - Champions of National Parliamentary Debate League Fall Invitational
Sophia Zhang and Vaibhava Rajesh - John Lewis SVUDL Doubles, Stephen Stewart Octas, Notre Dame Parli Warm-up Quarters
Sophia Zhang and Keerthana Noru - Cal Parli Invitational Semis
Sophia Zhang and Atishay Lalgudi - National Parliamentary Debate Invitational (NPDI) Doubles
Sumanth Mahalingam and Chinmay Kumar - NPDI Semifinalists
Aanya Sanjay and Rishita Bandla: Stanford
Special shout out to the following three students,
Anya Rong, Syona Bhide, and Pranya Nagpal,
who qualified for one or both of the most prestigious Speech and Debate tournaments in the country -- the Tournament of Champions (TOC) and the National Individual Events Tournament of Champions (NIETOC).
Speech Successes
Anya Rong – Humorous Interpretation (TOC qualified): 3rd place Stephan Stewart, 3rd place Jon Schamber Invitational, 1st place Forensics University Fall Invitational, SemiFinals Coast Forensic League (CFL) 1, Semifinals CFL 3
Syona Bhide – Informative Speaking (TOC & NIETOC qualified): 2nd place Stephan Stewart, 2nd place Jon Schamber Invitational, 2nd place Forensics University Fall Invitational, 2nd place CFL 1, Semifinals CFL 1 (DI), Finals CFL 2, Quarters MLK, Finals CFL 3, Semifinals Stanford, Finals Berkeley Invitational, 1st Alternate for State,
Pranya Nagpal – Program Oral Interpretation (NIETOC qualified): 1st place Forensics University Fall Invitational, 1st place Thomas Jefferson, 7th alternate for state, 1 Alternate for Nationals
Sahiti Rayprolu – Original Oratory: Semifinals CFL 2
Naisha Chaturvedi — Dramatic Interpretation: Finals John Lewis Invitational
Keerthana Noru and Sonia Shah — Duo Interpretation: 2nd place CFL 3, Semifinals Berkeley Invitational, 1st alternate for state
Lincoln Douglas Debate Successes
Rikin Ladwa - John Lewis Silicon Valley Urban Debate League (SVUDL) OLD Doubles, SVUDL Ryan Mills OLD Doubles
Laya Krishnan - Cal Invitational JV LD Quarters
Vivek Sharma - Evergreen Invitational OLD Quarters
Aarush Parikh - Evergreen Invitational OLD Quarters
Public Forum Debate Successes
Saanvi Kotha and Dhruva Cheethirala: Broke at UC Berkeley tourney for triples
EVHS & ESUHSD 2023 Cesar Chavez Contest Winners
Shriya Shetty
1st Place black Ink and Graphite
Kate Le
2nd place col. pencil, graphite, & ink
EVHS 2023 Synopsys Silicon Valley Science & Tech Champs
Kshitij Teotia
Mahita Arun
Ayush Sodani
National Merit Scholar semi-finalists
Domingo Candelas
Former EV student, from the class of 2007, Domingo Candelas, was recently appointed to the San Jose City Council for District 8 (the district Evergreen/East San Jose is in).
Domingo played basketball all four years and was involved in a couple clubs on campus as well. You can read this article about his appointment to the City Council.
EVHS National Merit NVIDIA Corporation Scholarship Winners:
Kacy C. Yang
Aditya Shrinivasan
Back to Back Champs!
Mr. Hernandez’s cougars won their second straight C league basketball championship! Way to go Cougars!
Saurish Srivastava
Has been named top 300 out of 1,949 applicants in the 82nd Regeneron Science Talent Search.
Isha Bajpai
She won 2 medals at the US open in December 2022: 1 silver and 1 bronze and got the opportunity to play against players from Canada, Puerto Rico, Kazakhstan and Australia
2022 EVHS - ESUHSD MLK Art Writing and Video Contest Winners
Roshni daNDI
Amanda Wang
Two EVH Sr Seniors were named to the Get Sports Focus All Star game, Adrian Diaz and Fares Rezeik. They will play in the All Star game at Oak Grove High School on Friday, December 30th, 2022. Congratulations Adrian and Fares!
EVHS PTSA Student members win the President’s Volunteer Service Award
Gold Award: Ajit Saravanan, Arshia Aravinthan, Darrence Tran, Ngoc Tran, Cathy Luong, Kapilkumar Murugananthan, Mahita Arun, Owen Chung, Parth Mehta, Pratinav Agrawal, Raghav Garimella, Nirja Mehta, Shaffana Mustafa, Sanjitha Kurra, Vincent Lo
Silver Award: Mindy Tran
Bronze Award: Angelina Nguyen, Anjali Kiran, Arnav Ranade, Atishay Lalgud, Siya Aggarwal, Razeena Mustafa
For more details, guidelines, eligibility criteria, volunteer hours certificate examples etc, please check: presidential-service-awards/
Additional information about the award is available at: https://
adrian diaz
fares rezeik
Shreya Pitre
Shreya Pitre won the Congressional Art Contest for District 19. She went to the capital in Washington DC and attended the ceremony as the guest of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. Congratulations Shreya!
Kshitij Teotia
Kshitij Teotia earned the Mayor Commendation Award from the City of San José's Sam Liccardo and District 8 Councilwoman Sylvia Arenas to honor his successful charity drive that raised over 500+ pairs of socks and 15,000+ school supply items The donated supplies went to the Bill Wilson Center for teenagers and families from Santa Clara county who are in need.
Kshitiji extends gratitude to Mr. Diaz and EVHS Staff for supporting his initiatives and encouraging him to succeed.
Akshi Malhotra
Akshi is a western classical vocal student with the following successes in individual and choirs competitions.
CCDA All-State Choir: Selected for Coastal Region Honor Choir at CalPoly.
ACDA (American Choral Director Association) National Honor Choir: National Honor Choir in Cincinnati, OH
American Protege Music Competition (Vocal category): First place (Junior category), at Carnegie Hall, NY
NATs SF chapter: first prize in the under 15 category in 2021.
AFAF: 2nd prize in 2021
Brandon Dang Signs w/ UIUC
Brandon signed his National Letter Intent last week with a full 4 year scholarship at UIUC, majoring in Computer Science, School of Engineering.
He will compete for the University Of Illinois Urbana Champaign Men's Gymnastics team on the Pommel Horse apparatus.
Isha Bajpai Ranked 8th in USA
Isha Bajpai represented the USA at the WTT (World Table Tennis) Youth contender tournament held in Darwin, Australia between Sept. 27-29th. She finished as a quarterfinalist in the U15 Girls Singles event. She has achieved a new world rank of 210 for Girls under 15. She is currently ranked 8th in Girls under 15 in the USA.
Ritali Jain
Ritali Jain was selected as one of 15 interns for this past summer's GeneLab for High Schools program out of an applicant pool of nearly 500. She participated in the research program virtually hosted by NASA Ames Research Center and will attend their conference in November to present her research
Ritali Jain & Jason Lin
The students listed above are among an elite group of students in the world to earn every point possible on an AP Exam, receiving the maximum score on each portion of the exam.
Ritali Jain is 1 of 196 students world wide to earn a perfect Computer Science Principles score.
Jason Lin is one of 306 students world wide to earn a perfect Research score.
Saurish Srivastava
Saurish Srivastava earned the Congressional Award Gold Medal by completing at least 400 hours of Voluntary Public Service sharing his time and talent for the betterment of the community, 200 hours of Personal Development improving his social and life skills and 200 hours of Physical Fitness to improve his health and quality of life. Additionally, he spent at least four consecutive overnights exploring a new environment or culture. Saurish has been consistently working to achieve this award for over twenty-four months. In addition, Saurish earned a STEM Star for completing STEM activities in pursuit of their Gold Medal.
Saurish was formally recognized during the 2022 Virtual Gold Medal Celebration
Brandon Dang
In Mens' gymnastics, Brandon has won 1st place on Pommel Horse in States, Regionals, and Nationals competitions for the last 5 years. He has been undefeated at all 3 levels in his age group. He has also won many medals on other apparatuses.
Brandon plans to continue competing at the college level, and hopes to compete in the Olympics or The World Best in 2024 in Paris.
Amber R Henny
is a National Merit University Scholarship winner!
Eshanni's team won the Power Pitch Award, the best business pitch, in the Health and Nutrition category of the Conrad Challenge Innovation Summit at Houston, Texas.
Cougars in the news 2021 - 2022
Carine Wong
East Side Union High School District was selected as a Go For It! Scholarship recipient
C League Champs
Mr. Hernandez's
Basketball Champs
Jaimie Nguyen
1st Place EVHS - VIDEO
1st Place ESUHSD
Daphne Dao
2nd Place EVHS - VIDEO
Vishaka Ashok
First Place EVHS - ART
1st Place ESUHSD Writing
Ashwini Anantharaman
Tiffany Vu
2nd Place EV - ART
2022 ESUHSD EVHS MLK Contest Winners
Debbi McKee
EVHS 1st Place - Art
Sophia Chavez
EVHS 2nd Place - Art
ESUHSD Grand Prize Video
Jaimie Nguyen
EVHS Video
EVHS 1st Place - Daphne Dao
EVHS Writing
1st Place - Jacqueline Pham
2nd Hannah Mukhtar
Ojasvi Mudda
Presidential Volunteer Service Award Winner
Ojasvi Mudda has received the Gold Presidential Volunteer Service award for 2020-2021. She is president of the Chirag Evergreen Chapter a non-profit organization that strives to provide basic necessities and education for underprivileged children across the world.
Ojasvi is also a semi-finalist in the USA Biology Olympiad. Also, she is a gold medalist (top 5%) in the British Biology Olympiad.
Hannah Mukhtar, Nisa Keshwani & Shakthi Sivasankar
EV students were recently selected as winners in the California Federation of Chaparral Poets 2022 Student Poetry Contest.
Our students will be honored on our official website,
EVHS Winners are:
Nature/Environmental Concerns (7-9)
3rd Place “The Earth Cracks Beneath My Shoe” by Hannah Mukhtar
Second Honorable Mention
“Fallen Branches” by Nisa Keshwani
Nature/Environmental Concerns (10-12)
1st Honorable Mention
“The Race for Survival” by Shakthi Sivasankar
EVHS' MLK Contest Winners
ESUHSD's annual art, writing and video contest winners from EVHS are:
Writing - Jacqueline Pham & Hannah Mukhtar
Art - Debi McKee & Sophia Chavez
Video - Jaimie Nguyen & Daphne Dao
ESUHSD's Grand Prize Winner for Video:
EVHS' Jaimie Nguyen
EV students make it to the second round of the US Physics Olympiad
Andrew T. Chang
Aarav V Navani
Shuhul Mujoo
Ravi Prabhune
Ravi has invented a useful device (patent pending), from concept
to prototype to manufacturing. He has submitted his invention for the 2022 Blue Ocean Entrepreneurship Competition.
Please like his video to help him success:
Girls Basketball
NorCal Regional Champions
The first NorCal regional basketball win in EVHS history!
57 - 46 win over Pleasant Valley High School
Presidential Volunteer Service Award winners 2020 2021
Certificate and Medal Winners are:
Gold Coin Siver Medallion Bronze Medallion Aarush Gupta Hitiksha Bansal Anusha Holagunda
Amber Henny Shivani Kota Candice Phan
Trisha Maturi Srivibha Yellamraju Himaja Vaddepuri
Isha Bajpai
Won a Silver medal for the U-15 Girls' Team Event at the US Open championships for Table Tennis. The event took place at Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas on Dec. 17-21s
Sneha Revanur
State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond Sneha Revanur to represent California in the 60th annual United States Senate Youth Program (USSYP), which is sponsored by the William Randolph Hearst Foundation. KRON News segment
Sneha Revanur is a senior at Evergreen Valley High School in the East Side Union High School District and serves as a student member of the Santa Clara County Office of Education Youth Advisory Group Core Advocacy Team, where she represents her peers in mental health-related policymaking discussions. She is the founder and President of Encode Justice, a youth-led organization mobilizing 300-plus students in 25 countries for human rights in the age of artificial intelligence, and a criminal justice lead of the High School Democrats of America’s National Issue Advocacy Committee. She is the only high school student with the Systemic Justice Project at Harvard Law School’s Justice Initiative, a partnership between Harvard and Howard to elevate social justice in legal education. Her awards include the Princeton Prize in Race Relations and an American Voices Medal nomination from Scholastic. Sneha plans to pursue tech science in college followed by law school with a desire to create a branch of civil rights litigation dedicated to redressing algorithm-driven discrimination and eventually running for office focusing on a platform that empowers the working class and advances racial, social, and economic justice.
Sneha will receive a $10,000 scholarship and participate in Washington Week Online, an interactive experience, from March 5–10, 2022.
EVPC Wins Coding Competition
EVHS's Programming Club (EVPC) participated in a Coding Competition in which the 30 participants solved 15 questions of varying difficulty from last Wednesday, November 10th, to Sunday, November 14th.
The winners of the coding competition were Prajwal Vandana, David Le, Arjun Sahlot, and Alan Li.
tedxevhs published
TEDxEV club is delighted to announce that our first talks have been published to the official TEDx YouTube channel!
The topic for this event was advancement and discovery, and they focused on discovering things about ourselves and the world around us.
Take a moment to check out our speakers’ talks. You might learn something new! Here are three of our talks.
Please follow @tedxevhs on Instagram for updates
What A Year!, Jeremy George -
Expand Your Box, Yashika Batra (EVHS Alumna) -
We’d Love a Seat at the Table, Riya Shukla -
Fiesta Forever '21
EVHS PTSA & LSU's annual Fiesta Forever Fundraiser was a great success! The Latinx Student Union(LSU) team took care of all the event arrangements under the guidance of Mr. Gonzalez and Ms. Reyes.
Extra thank you to Mr. Kleckner, Ms. Mohan, Mr. Boostani, our school staff and custodial team, our EVHS Parents and Student volunteers, and the larger Evergreen community for helping us organize the event successfully.
This event was a fun way for our student students to be part of this rich cultural experience. Well done Cougars!
A Bldg
Halloween Bash
EVHS students enjoyed their annual Halloween Bash on October 29th.
Shivam Pathak & Steven LUO
Congratulations to Shivam and Steven! They are two of only 335 students (amounting to just 0.29% of 2021 AP Computer Science Principles Exam takers) from around the world to earn every point possible on this challenging, college-level examination.
We applaud your mastery of the content and skills of this AP course and wish you many future successes.
Aarav Navani
Aarav Navani, a junior at Evergreen Valley High School, has been recognized by the ESUHSD Board of Trustees and KRON news for the development of a meal order application for the more than 23,000 students of ESUHSD.
He worked throughout the 2020 pandemic year with the district’s IT department and Julie Kasberger, Director of Child Nutrition Services, to develop a meal order app.
Aarav was able to design a program that allows students to customize their meals and pay online to decrease the long lunch lines significantly. The district expects to save money by reducing food loss, increase productivity by assembling the meals in advance.
“Aarav used his experience as a student and his skills as a programmer to make an app that will make lunch time a joy,” said Randy Phelps, ESUHSD Chief Technology Officer. “To see young people developing applications that have immediate and lasting impact for our students and staff is empowering and encouraging,” said Phelps.
Aarav has said that he enjoys problem solving and especially improving human efficiency. He is interested in continuing to develop tools which will improve the quality of life for his fellow students and make ESUHSD schools run more efficiently. Within this app, Aarav is already thinking of adding support for different languages and nutritional information and allergy warnings for each food item.
WAY TO GO Aarav Navani!
Nivedita has received the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) once again this year.
This is her 3rd PVSA in a row!
Sneha Revanur
Sneha's work with Encode Justice was profiled by CNN in a recently published article: These Students are Fighting for Ethical AI
Cougars in the news 2020 - 2021
Shreyaa Karan received an Honorable Mention Award for the project "Cranial Hemorrhage - Sectionalization & Ascertaining the Non-Contrast CT Scans using Deep Learning" at the 2021 Synopsys Science Fair Championship from the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association (SCVSEFA). In addition to this, she received a Special Award from the Yale Science and Engineering Association for her project. This award is given to the most outstanding 11th grade student at the Synopsys Science Fair whose project lies in the field of Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, or Chemistry.
5 EVHS PTSA students earned the Distinguished Presidential Service Award this year!
Abhinav Balla
Hiral Mehta
Neha Raj
Ritali Jain
Srita Kothuri
Congratulations to Sneha Revanur
Winner of the Princeton Prize in Race Relations for 2021, representing the Bay Area for her work work on Encode Justice
Congratulations to Paula Escobar on being named as finalists for the Santa Clara County Poet Laureate!
Congratulations to Swasti Johri on being named as finalists for the Santa Clara County Poet Laureate!
Harriet and Annabel Gensler participated in the Marian Filice Youth Piano Competition at Gavilan College and won 1st and 2nd place and received $800. They donated that money to the Bill Wilson Center
Kaylyn Phan, Affiliate Winner
Jessica Qu, Affiliate Rising Star
Anushka Sheth, Affiliate Honorable Mention
have earned an NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC).
The Bay Area Affiliate of the AiC selects 70 winners from a pool of 234 applications covering 13 Bay Area counties.
Christina Yao
National Merit Scholarship Winner
Christina Yao
National Merit Scholarship Winner
Congratulations to HIRAL MEHTA for earning the 2020 Presidential Volunteer Service Award!
Congratulations to CLAIRE ZHU for earning the 2020 Presidential Volunteer Service Award!
Congratulations to NIVEDITA L. SANGHAVI for earning the 2020 Presidential Volunteer Service Award!
EVHS's Science Olympiad team, as part of Science and Tech Club has virtually attended a number of national invitational competitions, some numbering over 150 teams in size, and brought home impressive results.
Congratulations to:
Daleep Pannu
Jason Lin
Daleep Pannu
Viti Gaonkar
Akshita Raghuraman
Shuhul Mujhoo
Daleep Pannu,
Preethi Nalluru
Pranav Karthik,
Sanjana Taware
Aditya Karthik
Mr. Ortiz's Spanish I project, a newspaper, in Spanish, called La Voz.
La Voz in English means "The Voice"
Students can publish their opinions about the world and practice their Spanish at the same time.
Please enjoy our first edition of la Voz
Congratulations! William Kimani!
William has been selected to receive an engraved bronze Distinguished Finalist medallion in The 2021 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards for outstanding volunteer work! He was chosen by state-level judges as one of the top CA runners-up in this year’s program.
This is a great honor for William and for EVHS.
Way to Go William!
EV senior Selena Huang's Timeless, a painting has been choses as part of the San Jose Downtown Doors program. You can see it in person at 396 S. First Street (San Salvador/First Street)
EV's Raymond Tran was selected to participate in the Stanford Earth Young Investigators Biodiversity program this summer!
Urja Gathoo published her first novel, "The Earth & the Skye" through Amazon.
The book is about Gun Violence incidences in schools and the effects of those directly/indirectly affected by it.
"A school shooting. Seven bullets. Seven dead. One twin alive, the other gone. A little over four months later, after politicians have stopped using her pain as their personal weapons after the world has moved on and the news cycle has forgotten, fifteen-year-old Skye Donovan is struggling to glue together the shattered remains of her life and let go of her twin, who had been her everything."
Jason Lin's article regarding "Phage Therapy" was featured on the TeenInHealth webpage.
EVHS donated almost $5000.00 to the Bill Wilson Center to support homeless teens in San Jose.
Vanessa Caustrita sent her thank you via video.
EV's Shreya Vinjamuri and teammates Isabella Hochschild and Aarushi Choudhary created the Buddi app this summer. They won second place in the Information and Coping Tools division of the COVIDathon challenge.