Work Permits

All minors who are employed must have a valid work permit issued by the school where the student is enrolled. Work permits indicate the duties and location where the work will be done as well as the number of hours a minor may work. Blank work permit applications and contracts are available in the Learning Center. 

Typical processing time is 3 business days. 

 Steps to Apply for a Work Permit

1) The minor along with the parent/guardian and employer fill out the work permit application. All information provided on the application needs to match school records. Minor and parent/guardian fill out the work permit contract. 

2) Please submit the completed application and contract to Mrs. Garcia in-person at the Learning Center during break or lunch Monday-Friday.

3) If approved, the student will be told when to come to the office for a signature on the finalized permit. The student will leave with the signed work permit. 

4) The work permit needs to be delivered to the minor’s employer.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I qualify for a work permit?

1. You must have maintained during the previous grading period a minimum 2.0 grade-point average in all enrolled courses (on a 4.0 scale).

2. You passed at least 20 semester units of work at the completion of the previous grading period.

3. You have no more than 3 total unexcused absences within the previous grading period.

4. You must have a social security number to indicate that you have the legal right to work in the United States. 

5. All information provided on the application matches school records. If information does not match, you must update at the Registrar’s office before the work permit application can be submitted. 

What if I have 2 or more different jobs?

How can I get a work permit issued or renewed during the school year?

Are work permits required during the summer?

Yes. Labor and education codes apply during all seasons and times of the year.

If you still have questions, please email Ms. Kathia Barragan