How to Visit
Shadow Days
Each January EVHS invites the incoming Freshmen class to participate in our Annual Shadow Day Program! This program provides an excellent opportunity for 8th graders to experience Evergreen Valley High School and shadow an EVHS student.
The program begins at 8AM and ends at 12:40 PM
Dates are generally the Mondays of January.
There are only 50 spots available each day
Not from Quimby or Chaboya - Please sign up choose which day is best for you and sign up ASAP
Participating middle school students must Sign Up online in order to be paired with an EV student host.
If the form is closed, that means all spots are filled.
Students who submitted the form will receive a confirmation email in late December
Visiting students will receive an email and/or call from their hosts the first week of January.
Activities featured during the Shadow Day Event:
Attending Classes with EV host students
Introduction to Leadership Class
Break/Lunch "free" time to explore and experience EV culture with an EV host
EV Campus Tour
Cougar Scavenger Hunt
ROARing Trivia
Q&A Time
If you missed our scheduled Shadow Days please register for a personal shadow day on Mondays in February and/or March via this link.
Please also register to attend our Connection Rally in August!