Traffic Safety

Drop Off & Pick Up Routes - BE SAFE COUGARS!


The official zones to drop off and pick up students are the student parking areas accessed by entering the campus on Ruby Avenue and Quimby Rd.

Evergreen Valley High School has nearly 3000 students. Safety is our #1 priority, so it is important that everyone knows Evergreen’s rules regarding traffic safety. We want all of our students to be safe on the way to and from school. Please remember – we are all role models for our students. Because of this, we should all follow safety directives to set a good example and keep our campus safe. Please help us keep all our students safe by following all safety procedures at EVHS.

STUDENTS: You must only park in the student parking lot. It is against school rules to park in the community adjacent to EVHS, and it is not ROAR appropriate to block driveways of homes or leave trash in the community. Thank you for respecting our neighbors!

Please remember that Arcade Avenue, Quimby Road and Ruby Avenue are all "No Stopping at Any Time" zones. These areas are unsafe for pedestrians as accidents can occur. Please do not drop students off on Quimby Rd, Ruby Ave., or Arcade Ave. For safety reasons, students that are dropped off outside the student parking areas will be directed to walk around to the student parking lot. Unfortunately, tardies are unable to be excused for this reason.


The Flag Pole Loop, Visitor Parking, and Staff Parking (located along Quimby Rd. and Arcade Ave.) are not designated drop-off or pick-up zone areas. These areas are reserved for our special education students, visitors and staff. Please do not use these areas to drop off/pick up your student, it causes traffic congestion and it jeopardizes our students' safety.


In consideration of other parents, please park in any available parking space while waiting for your student to be released from school. Please do not wait at the curb. Parking at the curb, even though not painted red, causes traffic congestion and unsafe conditions for students. Remember, red curbs are designated fire lanes. Do not park in the fire lane – find an available parking space. Also, please remember that both the Ruby Avenue and Quimby Rd. exits are “right turn only” intersections.

Please be aware there is no parking on Quimby Road near the school administration flag poles and visitors parking lot. Please do not block any of the bike lanes near campus or red zones. The Arcade Avenue parking lot is for staff parking only and cannot be used for student or parent parking. Please do not block driveways on Arcade Ave and be considerate of crosswalks and moving students throughout the pickup and drop off process.

Quimby Oak Middle School also has arrival/dismissal times close to ours and is located very close to our

school, please be cautious when traveling on Quimby Road. Make sure you obey all the traffic signs and routes on and around campus, and remember the on campus speed limit is 5mph.

Thank you for Cougars,

EVHS Safety Team