Participation Requirements
for All Athletes
Create a profile at ATHLETIC CLEARANCE.
All our athletic forms are paperless
You can download all forms if you like, once you are logged into Athletic Clearance
You will need to be cleared to try out AND play sports.
Make an appointment with your doctor to get a sports physical ASAP - Don't Wait!
Please make sure to upload proof of insurance (picture of medical card, etc)
Purchase prepaid tickets to all EV Sporting Events Here!
JV COACH - Damon Tarver
Begins Monday 6/3
Monday, Tuesday, Thursdays 2:30-5:30p
Wednesdays TBD each week
Bring Water Bottle, Cleats & Shoes, Shorts, and an EV or Black Shirt
Incoming 9th graders may start attending on June 17th
6/3 Summer Ball Begins
6/17 Incoming 9th Graders can report
6/20 Snap Raise Fundraiser Begins (Still Time to donate)
7/29-8/2 NO PRACTICE (Deadweek)
8/5 Official Practice Begins
8/8 First Day of School
SIGN UP by scanning the QR CODE
2023 Charlie Wedemeyer All-Star Selection
incoming freshmen & new players
Follow these directions and contact Coach Resendez
Fill out the 2024 Player Interest Form by clicking the link or the QR CODE to the left
Returners do not need to fill out, unless their information has changed
Register at Athletic Clearance
Download Physical Form (eastsidephysical.pdf)
Set up an appointment for a Physical, and have your doctor complete the form (all physicals are good for one calendar year)
Upload the completed Physical Form onto Athletic Clearance, along with insurance card.
If there is any need for equipment, such as cleats, gloves, etc., contact Coach Resendez. We may have your size, but first come, first serve.
Follow the Football program on Instagram and Twitter: @evhscougarfb
In order to participate in any workouts or open gyms, you must get cleared through Athletic Clearance. You must upload the following to Athletic Clearance:
Physical form filled out by a doctor (pictures of BOTH sides of the physical form)
Proof of Insurance (BOTH sides of insurance card)
Any e-documents that the site tells you to fill out and submit
Please make sure the physical is dated from this school year. Physicals from last school year will not be accepted.
If you have questions, please email the coach or Leo Olmscheid, boy's Athletic Director, at