Cross Country
Participation Requirements
for All Athletes
Create a profile at ATHLETIC CLEARANCE.
All our athletic forms are paperless
You can download all forms if you like, once you are logged into Athletic Clearance
You will need to be cleared to try out AND play sports.
Make an appointment with your doctor to get a sports physical ASAP - Don't Wait!
Please make sure to upload proof of insurance (picture of medical card, etc)
Purchase prepaid tickets to all EV Sporting Events Here!
Coach: A. Pacheco
Coach: A. Solis
You will need to be cleared to play and to try out.
Please make an appointment with your doctor to get a sports physical. The form is available on Please, don't wait to make an appointment with your doctor, this will save you some headache later.
In order to participate in any workouts or open gyms, you must get cleared through Athletic Clearance. You must upload the following to Athletic Clearance:
Physical form filled out by a doctor (pictures of BOTH sides of the physical form)
Proof of Insurance (BOTH sides of insurance card)
Any e-documents that the site tells you to fill out and submit
Please make sure the physical is dated from this school year. Physicals from last school year will not be accepted.
If you have questions, please email the coach or Leo Olmscheid, boy's Athletic Director, at
Notes (please read everything below):
Please make every effort to attend the first week of summer training. Coaches will be there to model the workouts.
WARMUP/COOLDOWN: Be sure to complete a 10 minute easy warmup and cool-down each day before and after the prescribed workouts above.
REST (on Sundays) on this schedule means rest from running, 30-40 minutes of activity is strongly recommended, but no running. You could do walking, hiking, biking, swimming, playing ultimate Frisbee, etc.
EASY runs are on T/Th These days are for your recovery. Your body needs to replenish all the lost muscle tissue from doing the hard workouts, so that you can continue performing and maximizing the benefits of the hard workouts from the tempo and Fartlek days. These runs should be completed at a pace where you can hold a conversation with a running friend. If you are feeling fatigued or burnt-out, you may omit these runs if you really need to recharge your batteries. It is always preferred to under-train than to over-train.
TEMPO These are runs that help with speed and endurance. Guideline: Start with 5-10 minutes of easy running, followed by a period of hard running, and finish with 5-10 minutes of easy running. The “hard running” here should be at a pace where you cannot hold a conversation due to heavy breathing, but is not all out.
FARTLEK ( workouts will help your body adapt to various distances run at various speeds. This workout involves doing 5-10 minutes of easy running, then surging to 20-60 seconds of intense speed, followed by 20-40 seconds of easy running, then surging again and again.
Runs on Hills (Thursdays and Saturdays) are intended to give your body an opportunity to use the leg muscles at different intensity demands than running on flat terrain. Long result is that your leg muscles will get stronger.
Longer distance (on Saturdays) is the run that focuses primarily on distance (don’t worry about pace). You need to teach your body to be on its legs for a longer period of time than the rest of the week. This run should be at a speed that is very comfortable (at conversational pace).
During these summer months, you may expect to feel sore or fatigued from time to time. This is perfectly normal. However, if you feel any sharp or stabbing pains, or if you feel persistent soreness, decrease your mileage and seek professional medical advice if your situation does not improve.
The above training schedule is tailored for the novice to intermediate-level runner. If you feel that your body can handle a more rigorous training plan, then you can increase both time and distance of the prescribed workouts above by 10 to 20%.
It goes without saying that you should practice proper nutrition and hydration, especially during those hot days in the summer.
Final Note: It takes four to five months to achieve peak performance in cross country. Since our Fall season is only 10-12 weeks, it is imperative that summer training be taken seriously. Structured training needs to begin in June! You have to want to reach your running potential....and have fun while doing it!