english learner advisory committee

The Evergreen Valley High School English Learner Advisory Committee invites parents of English Language Learners to attend their meetings. ELAC is a committee of parents, staff, and community members specifically designed to advise school officials on the English Learner Program services. ELAC advises the Principal and School Community on programs and services for English Learners. ELAC also advises the School Site Council on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement (SSPSA).

EVHS encourages you to join ELAC! The more you know about your student’s education and school, the stronger your support will be in your student’s educational success. During the ELAC meetings, discussions of the EL program and EL program goals will take place. Parents will learn common core standards, curriculum, district, state, and federal laws. In addition, each meeting covers topics designed to provide your family with the tools to help your teen be college and career ready.

Overall, the ELAC committee is important because ELAC makes direct recommendations to the Single Plan for Student Achievement. Joining ELAC gives you the opportunity to collaborate, be engaged, and improve our school's quality of education.

To join ELAC contact Zuly Reyes, Parent and Community Involvement Specialist at 408-347-7052 or email reyesz@esuhsd.org

For instant registration sign-up here!

2016 CELDT Reclassification Ceremony

ELAC parents participating in a group activity

to review and discuss our district's

Local Control Activity Plan for student achievement.